Professional Leadership Academy Online Model

The Olympians Professional Leadership Academy develops and/or enhances leadership management skills for emerging/entry-level leaders, career leader professionals, and business organizational leadership teams. Our curriculum leverages cognitive, behavioral competencies through the application of problem solving and intellectual skills building, which are gained through applied methods, practices, techniques, and assessments and is designed to give a solid foundation for the fostering of strong, effective leadership skills, transferrable across any industry. Leaders learn to leverage tools and best practices for becoming highly effective, productive, confident, and influential in the workforce.

  • New/entry-level leaders will learn applied best practices from a professional industry leader through a customized curriculum that develops and/or enhances cognitive leadership management skills transferrable in any employment industry

  • Benefits include a Certificate of Achievement from The Olympians Professional Leadership Academy to advance or open new career opportunities, transition your career role, or advance your leadership skills for career role enhancement.

  • Issuance of our new Signature Series , Digital Leadership Badge that will show verifiable evidence of leadership training and development achievement through the inclusion of criteria and/or assessment details. You will be able to share your achievements with educational institutions, organizations, employers, and social platforms. (NOTE: Prestige Digital Badges are issued to groups/individuals who complete our 5-month academy program. Elite Digital Badges are Issued to participants of our membership program who are pursuing additional Continual Leadership Module (CLM) training and development courses and groups/individuals who complete our 5-month academy program. Digital Badges are not issued to subscriber only participants.)

  • Students complete the full leadership program in 5 months (20 weeks). Single Module courses are 2 months (8 weeks).

  • Simulate a professional work environment by participating in real-world scenario examples that will build critical thinking skills for effective leadership management.

  • Letter of Recommendation received upon successful completion of all required coursework and coaching sessions (for full course sessions only)

  • Participate in a virtual leadership training course, receive three coaching sessions, and instructor support during the duration of your course enrollment (for full course sessions only)