Continual Leadership Training & Development

The Olympians Academy is proud to announce our Continual Leadership Training Modules (CLMs) Program!

Continual Leadership Training Modules (CLMs) are now offered to allow for additional development in specific areas of interest to support the building and strengthening of leadership skillsets. The training modules are designed to continue knowledge building, comprehension and application development, problem solving, and evaluation. Great Leaders will always continue to expand and grow their knowledge and their skillsets in efforts to continue leading with clear vision, focus, agility, and influence. A Certificate of Achievement  and/or a new Signature Series, Digital Leadership Badge (membership and group participants or individuals who complete our 5-month academy program) will be received upon successful completion of all required coursework for modules completed. 

All CLM training course modules are available within our Membership and Subscription program models and are available as single purchase options as well. We want to make sure leaders have the support to continually learn, grow, and be successful and we are always working hard to make sure foundational skills and/or tools are made available for continued success and growth.

See below to access our training module options! 

Continual Leadership Training Module Courses

  • Exercising Wise Judgement

    Understanding how to adapt to challenges and use information gathered to make good decisions, speak with good opinions, leverage your instincts, and be able to reason effectively.

  • How To Be Productive

    Understanding how to prioritize and spend time on methods of staying focused to help maximize efficiency and get more done.

  • Practicing Resiliency

    Understanding how to cope mentally or emotionally with a crisis and adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, or tragedy and bouncing back from difficult times.

  • Performing Great Work

    Understanding how to encourage employees to be innovative, productive, inspirational, helpful, and supportive to help them succeed and go above and beyond in their roles.

  • Exploring The Possibilities

    Understanding how to embrace challenges, persist through obstacles, learn from criticism, and explore an idea or suggestion in detail in order to assess it carefully.

  • Framework For Great Work

    Understanding how to use guiding principles and moral values as fundamental guidelines and as a framework for effective decision-making.

  • Your Leadership DNA

    Understanding specific skills that leverage your natural abilities to effectively process and gather information to help you operate at your highest potential, to make meaningful, impactful decisions.

  • The Power of Leadership Influence and Presence

    Understanding the power and importance of your personal influence and presence to lead with strong impact to achieve successful outcomes.

Start Your Continual Leadership Development & Growth Journey Here 😊

Single Training Course Purchases

If you are interested in learning and receiving certification in specific areas of knowledge, single continual learning modules are available as well!